Building Needs Study Committee Meeting

Thursday, August 15, 6:00 pm
Town Offices - 7 Brattleboro Road

Building Needs Study Committee Agenda


[Leyden Town Office-All Committees Room]

7 Brattleboro Road, Leyden, MA


[ Thursday, Aug 15th 2024]



Agenda details: (Topics that the Chair person reasonably anticipates to be discussed.)

New Business

6.00 -610 pm Review last months meeting minutes

610-630pm Review the roof bids and make recommendation to SB/FC.

630-700pm Discuss/prioritize the green communities designation and work on the long term vision and process to help with the application for getting some projects going and what it entails for us moving forward

700-710pm Library trustee asks if handicap ramp could be added to Library

710-730pm Review town offices to see what work needs to be done whether regular maintenance or work for green communities.

Also what members would like to put in for next months agenda


*** Please note—all times are for planning purposes

Posted at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 by Paul McLatchy III, Town Clerk

Building Needs Study Committee Agenda 2024-08-15 (2024-08-07 at 5:16 PM)