Building Needs Study Committee Meeting

Wednesday, February 5, 5:30 pm
Town Offices - 7 Brattleboro Road

Building Needs Study Committee Agenda


[Leyden Town Office-All Committees Room]

7 Brattleboro Road, Leyden, MA


[ Wednesday, Feb 5th 2025]



Agenda details: (Topics that the Chair person reasonably anticipates to be discussed.)

New Business

530pm -600 pm Review green communities projects with town coordinator and SB rep and make recommendation to SB/FC

600pm-650 pm Discuss and assemble regular maintenance/repair budget for town buildings. Also put together budget for annual building projects beyond regular maintenance/repair funding.

650-700 pm Review last months meeting minutes review building checklist

Also what members would like to put in for next months agenda


*** Please note—all times are for planning purposes

Posted at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 by Paul McLatchy III, Town Clerk

Building Needs Study Committee Agenda 2025-02-05 (2025-01-29 at 7:13 PM)